Dynamic Management Processes & Systems


In the framework of Operational Transformation, Bedor EXCEM develops Management Processes & Systems or even adjusts the existent ones, in order to:

Enforce the identification of improvement opportunities,

Facilitate the management of productivity,

Connect the operational performance with the value stream through the whole organization, and

Organize the decision-making process towards a constant improvement trajectory.

Our contribution is not limited just to cover the gap of a missing function related to the planning process, the control points, or the goal-setting procedure.

Today’s needs is to move beyond a typical Planning & Control System towards a Dynamic Management Process & System, which generates value rather than simply solving problems.
When developing Management Systems,
our main consideration is to support the decision-making process, not to create another report generator. Such a perspective is translated into:
  • Clear appearance of the benefits that hit the bottom line.
  • Proper wiring of the Performance Metrics with the Executives Accountability.
  • Systematic progress reviews, with fast and robust root-cause analysis.
  • Adequate focus on both leading and lagging indicators, to capture emerging trends and to evaluate the past performance.
  • Organization of the decision-making agenda.
From a technical perspective, the functional principles
that we follow could be summarized in the following points:
  • Visibility on the Cost Levers & the Key Performance Parameters.
  • Monitoring of prioritized operational parameters based on action plans.
  • Performance monitoring at all levels, from an individual to the whole organization.
  • Sound top-down & cascading system structure.
  • Consistency in the Standard Operating Procedures & Measures.
  • Transparency on the pursuit of goals and the available resources to achieve them.